Which Bucks Should You Shoot?
Wyn McAlpine Wyn McAlpine

Which Bucks Should You Shoot?

When harvest restrictions are centered on age considerations, the upper age class of bucks contains those with the greatest potential. Bucks see the greatest antler growth in years 5-7 after their skeletal system has fully matured and they are able to pour all their resources into antler production! This isn’t to say every hunter and every hunting club in the country shouldn’t shoot bucks younger than 5 ½ years old. Many hunters are satisfied with shooting a 3 ½ - 4 ½ year old deer and rightfully so. Many situations, such as those in high-pressure, low-quality habitat regions, demand that this be the best one can expect. However, for those dreaming of growing and hunting word-class trophy bucks, age-based harvest restrictions are an absolute necessity. Essentially, you can’t grow any men if you continue to kill all the boys.

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